

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Russell Simmons To Publish "Super Rich: The Guide To Having It All"

by Jake Paine

Rush's third book talks about inner-wealth and spirituality.

Def Jam Records co-founder and Hip Hop mogul Russell Simmons is soon to be publishing his third book. On January 4, 2011, Gotham Books will release Super Rich: A Guide To Having It All by Simmons and Chris Morrow.

“The ultimate state of being rich is to honestly be in a state of needing nothing. To need nothing is to be super rich,” said Simmons in a statement about the book. At different points in his career, Simmons has had an estimated worth ranging between 100 and 300 million dollars.

In 2002, Simmons released his first memoir, Life & Def. Five years later, the mogul, who now owns Hip Hop website, released a 12-step self-empowerment book called Do You!

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