

Monday, October 4, 2010


Ladies!!when u get ready to start judging us men on how perverted we are and  why we love a nasty girl.. stop, think, and ask yourself he being a pervert ? is he just being a man? or am i just not nasty enough?..thats one thing a dude cant stand...a boring fuck....the phrase "nasty but classy" sums up our perspective of our prototype female. Men are freaks.. by nature...and we cant help the fact that we` re horny 90% of the time.....correction.... 99.9% of the time....  But men , we want to be able to fulfill our wildest fantasies and do it without the thought in the back of our mind  of "I hope shes not looking at me like some type of  psycho perv". Men like women who can conduct themselves as an intellectual being in any environment and still do some xxx shit behind closed doors . Men like women who avoid drama at all costs but still whip another chick ass if necessary. Ladies..we love your class at all costs but dont be too classy to where its preventing  your partner  from fulfilling his sexual needs. Dont be too classy to where  you`re scared  to tell him to try something out of  the ordinary .Don`t be too classy to where you don`t want to let him hear a little gag or use a little saliva to make the party a bit more interesting..nah..don`t give it up like that. Us as men we love spontaneity, we love the things we didn`t expect in the bedroom, that`s what gets us open the most! At the same time we dont want to degrade you as women by wanting to try new things in the bedroom,we just want to do things that has us thirsty for more. Being a classy woman is wonderful in the public eye because an articulate intelligent woman always compliments a mans presence and swagger. But do u think homie really cares about how classy you are when yall are both standing there butt ass naked banging the track "doorbell" off that new Trey Songs Passion, Pain, and Pleasure album????do you think he`s  thinking about how  perfect you sipped your wine and held your steak knife during dinner.???? you think he`s thinking about how the vocabulary you use in the context of your conversation is equivalent to that of an Oxford or Harvard grad..He dont give a fuck about none of that shit..What he does care about is getting wild and crazy to the point where hes saying "this chick is a monster" in a good way. So ladies...waking up in the morning and asking yourself  "did i really do that last night ???" might not be so bad after all... take my advice for what it is...we like em classy....but nasty.